Acyclovir is a potent antiviral drug with low toxicity used in treatment of herpes simplex infection & varicella zoster infection. Acyclovir is used for its anti-viral effect for short term high dose therapy. It also requires frequent dose regimen. .It has maximum absorption in stomach and upper part of small intestine. Due to low gastric retention time, the bioavailability of drug is low as large portion of drug misses the absorption window. Acyclovir is a substrate for p-glycoprotein. Acyclovir has a high renal clearance value. It also contributes to eliminate the effect of Acyclovir rapidly. Oral route of drug administration is perhaps the most appealing route for the delivery of drugs. Of the various dosage forms administered orally, the table is most preferred dosage forms because of its ease of manufacturing, convenience in administration, accurate dosing, stability compared with oral liquids and because it is more tamperproof than capsule and suspension. It is great advantageous to both patient and clinician that medication to be formulated so that it may be administered in a minimum number of daily dosage form which can release the drug uniformly over desired period of time. The aim of the present study was to formulate and evaluate the novel tablet in tablet (Floating Delivery System) of Acyclovir using PEG 4000 as permeation enhancer by antagonizing effect on P-gp. In this the outer layer was of fast disintegrating PEG 4000 layer and Core tablet was of Sustained Release Floating Matrix Tablet of Acyclovir. After the formulation the tablets were evaluated for the Hardness, Friability, Thickness, Weight variation, Drug Release Profile, Stability and Compared with Marketed products and preclinical studies. Results and conclusions were noted down.